Tentative settlement reached in portion of Ryan Ferguson’s lawsuit against police

http://www.columbiatribune.com/news/20170526/tentative-settlement-reached-in-portion-of-ryan-fergusons-lawsuit-against-police A tentative settlement has been reached in a portion of a federal civil rights suit Ryan Ferguson filed against local officials after his conviction...
Charles Erickson

Court Junkie Podcast: Charles Erickson and The Murder of Kent Heitholt

http://courtjunkie.com/ep-23-charles-erickson-murder-kent-heitholt/ It’s a story that has been told numerous times before – On Halloween night in 2001, Kent Heitholt, a 48-year-old sports editor, was brutally...

Op-Ed Amanda Knox: Donald Trump supported me when I was wrongly accused of murder....

http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-knox-trump-loyalty-20170504-story.html Donald Trump supported me during the worst crisis and most vulnerable moment in my life, defending my innocence when I was on trial in...

Jamie Snow’s federal appeal given new life

http://blog.freejamiesnow.com/jamie-snows-federal-appeal-given-new-life/ When a Northern Illinois District Court judge denied Snow’s federal habeas petition right before Christmas, she also summarily denied his request to appeal the...

The 2017 Injustice Anywhere Newsletter is now online

According to the National Registry of Exonerations, courts in the United States overturned 165 wrongful convictions in 2016, which broke 2015’s record of 149...

Supporters Asking For Funds To Support Melissa Calusinski’s Family As She Continues To Fight...

A gofundme account has been set up to help Paul and Cheryl Calusinski, the parents of Melissa Calusinski. Paul and Cheryl have suffered financial...

Jason Flom Interviews Amanda Knox

Wrongful Conviction with Jason Flom is a podcast about tragedy, triumph, unequal justice and actual innocence.  Based on the files of the lawyers who...


http://www.cbsnews.com/news/darryl-pinkins-roosevelt-glenn-convicted-in-1989-rape-guilty-until-proven-innocent/ HAMMOND, Ind. -- For nearly two decades, Sally Glenn went to prison every other weekend to visit her son, Roosevelt. “It would hurt me. And...

Incredibly, prosecutors are still defending bite mark evidence

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2017/01/30/incredibly-prosecutors-are-still-defending-bite-mark-evidence/?utm_term=.bb52cd7018fa As of today, bite mark evidence has led to more than two dozen wrongful arrests or convictions. Two men sentenced to death on bite...

Judge rules against police immunity in Ryan Ferguson’s civil rights case

http://www.columbiatribune.com/news/local/judge-rules-against-police-immunity-in-ryan-ferguson-s-civil/article_72de379e-fc23-5d88-ada7-3639253e49f6.html A federal judge ruled Tuesday that six Columbia police officers who worked on the case against Ryan Ferguson are not entitled to immunity from...

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