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Successful Case: Amanda Knox & Raffaele Sollecito


March 27, 2015: Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito have been fully exonerated. There will be no more trials. It’s over. 

Please visit our Injustice in Perugia website and our Amanda Knox Case wiki to view extensive analysis, court transcripts, crime scene photographs, videos, and recent updates on this compelling case.

Meredith Kercher was murdered by Rudy Guede in Perugia Italy, November 1st, 2007. Meredith was a beautiful young woman who had her life stolen from her in an act of pure evil. Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito had absolutely nothing to do with her murder. They are both innocent.

  • On December 4, 2009, Amanda Knox & Raffaele Sollecito were wrongfully convicted for the murder of Meredith Kercher.
  • On October 3, 2011, Amanda and Raffaele were declared innocent on appeal and were released from prison.
  • On March 26, 2013, the Italian Supreme Court overturned the acquittals and ordered the case back to the appellate level.
  • On January 30, 2014, the appeals court in Florence reinstated the guilty verdicts for Amanda and Raffaele. The court released a motivation document on April 29, 2014, explaining the decision.
  • Amanda and Raffaele appealed the guilty verdicts to the Italian Supreme Court.
  • On March 27, 2015: Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito were fully exonerated by the Italian Supreme Court. The case against them is now permanently closed.

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Successful Case: Kirstin Lobato

December 29, 2017: Kirstin Lobato is free. It is finally over. Charges dismissed with prejudice!

17 Years After Being Convicted Of A Grisly Murder In Vegas, Kirstin Lobato Sees Her Charges Dismissed, by Jordan Smith

Kirstin Blaise Lobato
Kirstin “Blaise” Lobato

Kirstin “Blaise” Lobato was convicted in October, 2006, of voluntary manslaughter and sexual penetration of a corpse. There is absolutely no evidence implicating her to the crime and she has a rock solid alibi. The authorities failed to properly investigate this crime leading to a wrongful conviction. The facts of this case clearly show that Kirstin Lobato is innocent.

The Justice4Kirstin Campaign has done an excellent job of presenting the facts of this case on Kirstin’s official website www.justice4kirstin.com. The website contains important court documents, including trial transcripts, and petitions filed by the defense.

December 21, 2017: Kirstin Lobato’s Conviction has been overturned!

Las Vegas Penis Murder Conviction Overturned, by Jordan Smith

Feb 9, 2016: Kirstin Lobato Case Featured On FOX5 News Las Vegas

FOX5 Vegas – KVVU
FOX5 Vegas – KVVU

Get the Facts

Prosecuting Kirstin Lobato

[youtube id=”bh_X5vKF_LM” width=”300″ height=”150″]

Friends of the Justice4Kirstin Campaign  have created a petition you can sign to show your support for Kirstin. Please sign the petition today.

Important Resources

Recommended Book

“Kirstin Blaise Lobato’s Unreasonable Conviction — Second Edition” is now available in PDF format at no charge on the Justice Denied website at: http://justicedenied.org/books/lobato_conviction_2nd.pdf

Retired DC Attorney Philip J Mause Asks Clark County District Attorney Steven Wolfson About the Case on a Local Radio Program

New Infographic Created By Justice4Kirstin

Please use this link to view and share this infographic picture about Kirstin’s case: https://injusticeanywhere.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/sharethis.jpg

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Featured Case: Nicole “Nyki” Kish

Nyki Kish Canada
Nyki Kish

Nyki Kish was convicted on March 1, 2011 of second degree murder for the stabbing death of Ross Hammond in Toronto, Canada, on August 8, 2007. Kish has steadfastly maintained her innocence since her arrest and there is no credible evidence to justify her conviction.

Support for Nyki continues to be strong. Join the ongoing discussion on the Injustice Anywhere Forum and voice your opinion on this controversial case.

Get the Facts

Additional Resources

Injustice Anywhere Radio

Listen to “The Faulty Identification Of Nyki Kish” on Spreaker.

“It is terrifying to be continually punished for this crime I did not commit. And it is damning to have to wonder why every night. I am no murderer and my heart is not selfish. If I was responsible for the death of another human being, I would have never plead not guilty. I would never suffer everyone involved this costly pain. This long, mentally diminishing, emotionally incapacitating process, this is the stuff true nightmares are made of. I did not kill Ross Hammond and I wish I had proven myself innocent beyond a reasonable doubt as I am innocent.”

– Nicole Kish at her sentencing on April 4, 2011

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Featured Case: Jamie Snow

Jamie Snow
Jamie Snow

Jamie Snow was convicted in 2001 for the 1991 murder of William Little, a gas station attendant in Bloomington, Illinois. Jamie is currently serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole in Stateville prison in Joliet, Illinois.

Jamie Snow has proclaimed his innocence from day one. In the years following his conviction, new information has come to light clearly showing that police misconduct and bad lawyering sent the wrong man to prison for William Little’s murder. Jamie Snow is innocent.  Continue reading case overview →

Coming March 2nd! We are excited to announce the “Snow Files” podcast, presented by Injustice Anywhere! A deep dive into the wrongful conviction of Jamie Snow, and how McLean County got away with it.

Truth & Justice with Rob Ruff

The Jamie Snow case was recently featured on the Truth & Justice podcast with Bob Ruff. Jamie’s case kicked off season seven of the podcast on Sunday, July 14. The Truth & Justice podcast performs independent, in-depth investigations of wrongful conviction cases, with the unique feature of using crowd sourcing, which utilizes their 100k plus followers to elicit expertise in various aspects of each case they present.

Here is the first episode of the series:

Please visit www.FreeJamieSnow.com today. The Committee to Free Jamie Snow has done extensive research on Jamie’s case and continues to work diligently to provide a wealth of information including court documents, videos, and news reports. FreeJamieSnow.com is Jamie’s official website. The site is a vital resource for anyone interested in learning more about the injustice committed against Jamie Snow.

Please Sign this Petition Asking McLean County State’s Attorney Jason Chambers To Allow DNA Testing In The Jamie Snow Case


[youtube id=”lSdmmwKcvWc” width=”610″ height=”350″]

Injustice Anywhere Radio 2015

Jamie Snow Media Coverage

Jamie Snow News Archive

Additional Resources Provided By the Committee to Free Jamie Snow

If you have information regarding this case, please call the Committee to Free Jamie Snow tip line: 1-888-815-9299

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Featured Case: Jeffrey Havard

Jeffrey Havard
Jeffrey Havard

In 2002, Jeffrey “Jeff” Havard was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death in Mississippi for the sexual assault and murder of his girlfriend’s six-month-old daughter, Chloe Britt. In May of 2016, the Mississippi Supreme Court ordered an evidentiary hearing for Jeff’s case based on defense claims of new evidence due to changes in the science behind Shaken Baby Syndrome. In September of 2018, Jeff’s death penalty sentence was vacated, and a resentencing hearing was ordered. On December 18, 2018, Jeff was resentenced to life without parole. Jeff is now off of death row, but his fight is far from over.

The truth about this case is clear. Chloe slipped from Jeff’s arms while lifting her from the tub after a bath, causing her head to hit a nearby toilet. New expert evidence supports Jeff’s claims. Chloe’s death was a tragic accident, not a murder. Jeff Havard is innocent.

Please visit our Free Jeffrey Havard website to view extensive analysis, court transcripts, videos, and recent updates on this compelling case.

What really happened in this case?

On the evening of February 21, 2002, Jeffrey Havard’s live-in girlfriend went to a store to buy groceries, leaving her six-month-old infant, Chloe, in Jeff’s care. Chloe spit up on her clothing and bedding. Jeff gave her a bath, and he accidentally dropped her. Her head struck the toilet.

Chloe did not seem to be seriously injured, so Jeff changed her into clean clothes, put her to bed, and said nothing about what had happened. When the baby’s mother first checked on her that evening, she seemed fine. A short time later, however, she discovered that Chloe did not appear to be breathing. She and Jeff took the baby to a hospital emergency room, where she died after attempts to resuscitate her failed.

There is no question that Jeff exercised bad judgment that night. He should have explained what had happened right away. But he did not want to admit he had dropped the baby, so he said nothing. It was a big mistake. Medical personnel did not know what had triggered the emergency, and they misunderstood what they saw. Serious brain damage often causes a patient’s sphincter muscle to relax, so the anus becomes dilated. That was what happened to Chloe. The doctors and nurses treating the baby thought it meant she had been anally raped.

They were not the first medical professionals to misread this condition. Similar allegations have arisen in enough cases to warrant a systematic study of accidental deaths involving children. Researchers found that anal dilation in such cases is a common phenomenon. It is not an indicator of sexual abuse.

The hospital staff who treated Chloe, and the police who were called in to investigate, did not know this. Jeff was arrested and held in custody. Two days later, when he finally told police what had happened, the late disclosure only served to damage his credibility. By then, authorities believed he had raped and killed an infant.

This was the story that circulated through the community as well. Rumors took on a life of their own, blurring the line between fact and imagination. By the time Jeff was tried, in December 2002, witnesses who had seen the baby at the hospital were recalling injuries that are not shown in photos or recorded in the autopsy report. Defense attorneys did little to challenge these witnesses or explain the medical evidence, which they did not understand themselves. Jeff was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death in a proceeding that lasted less than two days.

The jury may have reached the only decision they could, because the trial did not clarify the facts of the medical report or what these facts really mean. Two forensic pathologists examined the medical report after the trial, and both concluded that Chloe’s death was accidental. Her autopsy revealed none of the injuries that would surely be present had she been sexually assaulted. Even the prosecution’s medical expert, Dr. Steven Hayne, has repeatedly stated that the evidence does not support a claim of sexual assault.

Hayne clarified in a 2014 affidavit that he specifically told prosecutors on more than one occasion prior to trial that he could not support a finding a sexual abuse. This information was withheld from the defense, which is a Brady violation.

Most shockingly, the defense learned in January of 2014, 12 years after the conviction, that Hayne had looked at tissue sections under a microscope and found definitively that there was no evidence of sexual assault. In a case where suspicion of sexual assault only arose when ER doctors and nurses noticed what they believed to be physical evidence of sexual abuse. Hayne’s microscopic findings were clearly exculpatory, and would have positively shown that the doctors and nurses had simply misinterpreted what they saw. The state withheld this evidence from the defense as well and failed to tell the doctors and nurses about it before they testified.

Unbelievably, the State chose to ignore Hayne’s findings and prosecute Jeff for murder during the course of a sexual assault.

Prosecutors stood before the Court and told the jury that Dr. Hayne had “confirmed the nurses and doctors worst fear, that this child had been sexually abused.” They knew that Dr. Hayne had done no such thing; in fact, he had done just the opposite. Jeffrey Havard is on death row because the prosecution lied to the jury.

A reasonable jury, presented with the evidence that was illegally withheld from the defense, would have reached a different verdict.

Jeffrey Havard is the first to admit he was guilty of bad judgment on the night Chloe died. He was 22 years old, and he was scared. But he did not commit murder in the course of a sexual assault. He has spent more than a decade on death row, awaiting execution for a crime that never took place.

Injustice Anywhere Radio: Jeffrey Havard – Innocent On Death Row

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