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Court Ruling Brings Positive News For Russ Faria

Russ Faria
Russ Faria

Russ Faria, a man currently serving a sentence of life without parole for the murder of his wife, received a possible new lease on life today. In 2014, Russ Faria’s defense team filed a motion with the Missouri Eastern District Court of Appeals to motion for remand to file motion for a new trial based on newly discovered evidence. Today the appellate court granted that request.

Russ Faria, 45, was convicted in Missouri in 2013 of murdering his terminally ill wife, Elizabeth “Betsy” Faria, in 2011. Faria’s conviction was shocking because he had what appeared to be a rock-solid alibi. Four witnesses testified that Faria was with them watching movies at the time of the murder. Gas station security cameras and a fast food receipt also confirm Faria’s whereabouts that evening. Read More »

Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito Case Summary

The highest profile miscarriage of justice of the twenty first century

Amanda-Knox-Case-Media-Coverage-300x259When historians look back at miscarriages of justice, some cases stand out. They stand out for a number of reasons, starting with the obvious: innocent defendants were prosecuted following a series of astonishing misjudgements. The miscarriages are compounded by an ignorant or malevolent media and the schadenfreude of the wider population. They acquire a life outside the courtroom and are discussed in workplaces, homes and pubs. They become symbolic. They exemplify prejudice. They inspire campaigners and they cause prosecutors and legal establishments to hunker down, circle the wagons and defend the indefensible.

In 1894 Alfred Dreyfus, a French army officer, was convicted of spying. It took eleven years for the case to unravel and by the time he was exonerated, the government and the apparatus of the state had been rattled. Dreyfus went on to serve in the army again, with distinction. The ‘Dreyfus Affair’ is now seen as one of the most striking examples of a complex miscarriage of justice, where a major role was played by the press and public opinion. Read More »

Brian Peixoto: Struggle for Innocence 2015

Brian Peixoto
Brian and Dancer Jan 2015

A message to supporters from Brian Peixoto on brianpeixoto.com:

Hello to everybody,

I must begin by thanking everyone for their amazing support and all of the wonderful comments on the website and the new Facebook page. When Sarah, from Injustice Anywhere asked if they could create a Facebook page for me I was hesitant. I have never seen a Facebook page and, admittedly, don’t fully understand how it all works. But for that matter, I’ve never seen a website, laptop or smartphone either. However, since the Facebook page was created I’ve been told of the many people who have left the most extraordinarily supportive messages. I have also been told of the messages from some special people from my past who I thought had forgotten about me. Every night, on the phone, Lisa reads me your personal messages and conversations; with tears in our eyes we talk about your beautiful words of support and encouragement. Your comments warm our hearts and bring us strength and hope. Personally, from us to you, thank you. Read More »


rodney-reed-112514-article-display-bKevin Gannon, a retired detective sergeant with the New York Police Department, spent just 10 minutes looking at official documents related to the case of Rodney Reed — slated for execution in Texas on Mar. 5 — before concluding that something was very, very wrong.

It was October 2014 and Gannon was working as part of a three-cop team featured on the A&E channel true-crime show Dead Again. The program follows the trio of veteran detectives as they reinvestigate old murder cases. Read More »

Injustice Anywhere Radio Update

Radio365Injustice Anywhere Radio update: We will soon be moving from blogtalkradio to Live 365. The new format will give Injustice Anywhere many more opportunities to expand our message. We will have our own dedicated station running live and recorded content discussing various cases and topics of wrongful convictions. Our online radio station will be available on our website, Live365, iPhone, iPad, Android, Roku, and more. Listening is made easy with iTunes and the free Radio 365 app available at Google play.

This move will provide better sound quality as well. We were able to purchase the needed equipment to make this move thanks to generous donations from our supporters.

We will post updates as they develop. We will be uploading all of our previous shows from blogtalkradio to our new station in the coming weeks. We will also be reaching out to other wrongful conviction organizations to offer them an opportunity to broadcast their message on our station. We look forward to beginning new shows in the near future. This project will be a marathon, not a sprint. We hope to see positive development throughout 2015.

Thank you for your continued support. Stay tuned.

Say Something – Say it loudly – Demand mercy for Chan & Sukumaran

[youtube id=”mGoUh0XgotM” width=”610″ height=”350″]
Published on Feb 9, 2015

Please Speak Out! Demand Mercy for Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, two extraordinary people facing imminent execution in Indonesia for a drug crime committed ten years ago. The situation is critical, and Indonesia has adamantly insisted it will not grant clemency to persons convicted of drug offenses, regardless of whether or not the offender has been rehabilitated. Please say something…..speak out….let Indonesia know the world is watching. Go to MercyCampaign.org and sign the petition.

Forensic DNA Mixups | Greg Hampikian | TEDxBoise

[youtube id=”Lw-zyoYlIsA” width=”610″ height=”350″]
Published on Feb 9, 2015

DNA is seen as an ultimate tool– an inarguable truth. It has the power to convict, and the power to exonerate. But in this lively talk, Dr. Greg Hampikian shows that even DNA can make mistakes.

Dr. Hampikian is a professor of Biology and Criminal Justice at Boise State University.  A Charter Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, his research includes identifying the smallest DNA sequences absent from nature that he calls Nullomers. Using these sequences Dr. Hampikian has invented a method of tagging DNA samples to prevent contamination of forensic evidence, and 198 drugs that are effective against cancer cells. In 2013 he was awarded the Liberty Bell Award for his work in justice, and in 2014 the Idaho Innocence Project under his leadership freed Sarah Pearce after 12 years in Idaho prisons.  He is a renowned forensic DNA expert and has worked on high profile cases around the world including that of Amanda Knox. He has helped with more than a dozen exonerations, and worked on hundreds of cases, recently helping the French police use Familiar DNA to solve a decade old murder.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Bali pair Andrew Chan, Myuran Sukumaran lose execution appeal

Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran

INDONESIA’s courts have rejected an application for a judicial review into the cases of Australians Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, who face execution.

Lawyers for the Bali Nine ringeladers on Friday applied for a second judicial review of their case, examining past errors of the law, and their transformation over a decade in jail.

Denpasar District Court spokesman Hasoloan Sianturi today told reporters that the application had been rejected. Read More »


A justice system overwhelmed

safe_imageLet’s call 2014 “the year of the wrongfully convicted.” Why? According to figures released last week by the National Registry of Exonerations, at least 125 wrongful convictions were overturned in 2014. This smashed the previous single-year exoneration records of 91 (in both 2012 and 2013 according to recently revised numbers) and has serious implications that we should not ignore. Read More »

Man wrongfully imprisoned for 10 years gets free Super Bowl tickets

Ryan-Ferguson-Super-Bowl-361-01-30-15Fourteen months ago, Ryan Ferguson was in prison, where he was in the middle of serving the 10th year of a 40-year sentence.

On Sunday, Ferguson will be at the Super Bowl thanks to a Texas businessman who heard his story.

So what is Ferguson’s story? Read More »

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