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Amanda Knox: Moving forward, with gratitude and a purpose

THROUGHOUT these past seven and a half years, knowledge of my innocence propelled me forward. Your kindness sustained me. I am, and forever will be, grateful to the many people who helped me survive when I was at my most vulnerable and almost entirely lost. To them I say, “Thank you.” Many times over, thank you.

After so many years of trial and uncertainty, I feel relieved and grateful for the decision of Italy’s highest court to find me innocent of Meredith Kercher’s murder. And I am equally grateful that Raffaele Sollecito can now also move past his own wrongful conviction. Read More »

Change.org Petition: Please investigate the wrongful conviction of Nicole “Nyki” Kish.

Nicole "Nyki" Kish
Nicole “Nyki” Kish

CBC’s the fifth estate is Canada’s premier investigative journalism show and often provokes discussion on important issues at a national level. Supporters of overturning Nyki’s wrongful conviction were thrilled at the fifth estate’s request to film an interview with Nyki at Grand Valley Prison last year.  Sadly the warden denied the fifth estate access despite granting media access to many other incarcerated people.  We want to let the fifth estate know that there is tremendous support for an investigative show about Nyki’s case even if she will not be allowed to appear on film. Read more on Change.org and please sign today»

Amanda Knox acquitted: Finally they are free. This was an outrageous miscarriage of justice

Amanda Knox
Amanda Knox

Peter Popham

Friday 27 March 2015

The verdict of Italy’s Supreme Court, exonerating Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito of involvement in the murder of the English student Meredith Kercher, leaves Ms Kercher’s family struggling again to understand how and why their daughter met her terrible end.

But the verdict will come as a huge relief to the many people around the world convinced that Ms Knox and Mr Sollecito were victims of an outrageous miscarriage of justice. A line has been drawn under the whole affair. Read More »

Amanda Knox murder conviction overturned by Italian Supreme Court

131106105028-02-knox-trial-story-bodyRome, (CNN)Italy’s Supreme Court has overturned the murder conviction of American Amanda Knox and her former boyfriend in the 2007 slaying of her British roommate, the court announced late Friday.

Knox, 27, of Seattle, was convicted in 2009 for the killing of British student Meredith Kercher, who shared an apartment with her in the Italian university town of Perugia. Knox’s boyfriend at the time, Raffaele Sollecito, had been found guilty, too.

The case is now closed, the court said, and both Knox and Sollecito are free to go. Read More »

Italian media changes course as ruling nears in Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito case

Amanda Knox
Amanda Knox

Italian journalist Remo Croci recently spoke out providing a scathing critique denouncing the case against Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito. A juror has expressed doubt in the guilty verdicts, and the Italian media has raised legitimate concerns.

The Italian Supreme Court is set to rule once again on the case against Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito. The two currently stand convicted of the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher in a hilltop cottage in Perugia, Italy. The case, fraught with controversy, has seen Knox and Sollecito convicted, exonerated, and then convicted again. All while a third defendant, Rudy Guede, has been tried and convicted in a separate “fast track” trial that resulted in a 16-year sentence when finalized by the high court. Read More »

Steve Moore Blog Post on Amanda Knox Case: “MY, WHAT BIG TEETH YOU HAVE…”

“MY, WHAT BIG TEETH YOU HAVE…”2911110_orig

The story of “Little Red Riding Hood” originated as a European fairy tale written by the French author Charles Perrault, and was later modified by The Brothers Grimm, among others. In reality, the story is more than a little dark and disturbing, and was unabashedly created as a cautionary tale of the consequences awaiting those who would ignore obvious signs of danger. Riding Hood is named after the scarlet hooded cape she wore, and certainly ‘Red’ had many wonderful characteristics, which ironically were also the very faults that ultimately (at least in Perrault’s original version) led to her final undoing.

Red Riding Hood’s faults?

She loved and was loved unconditionally: Her mother and grandmother lavished her with love and gifts and apparently doted on her, even gifting the girl with her eponymous red cover. This doting might have had the unintended result in Red’s apparent inability to recognize that the world outside her home and village was not as safe as the place she left. Read More »


Amanda Knox
Amanda Knox

Nigel Scott
Writer and Researcher


She’s been framed before, and it looks like she–ll be framed again.

It is seven-and-a-half years since the death of Meredith Kercher in Italy. Since then, the world’s media have enjoyed a ringside seat at the subsequent trials of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito, but have shed almost no light on the process. They report the twists and turns of the case, without analysis. The Perugian police investigation that followed the murder was botched, leading to what some commentators have called ‘the highest profile miscarriage of justice of the twenty-first century’, yet no mainstream newspaper has published any in-depth coverage into the prosecutorial and procedural misconduct that has dogged the case.

This week, on 25 March, Knox and Sollecito may reach the end of the line in the Italian segment of the saga. Going on past behaviour, the Italian Supreme Court (ISC) will likely confirm the latest guilty verdicts on the pair that were handed down by Judge Alessandro Nencini in Florence last year. This will not mean that the case is over, merely that it acquires a wider dimension as it moves to Strasbourg and the European Court of Human Rights. Read More »


portaPeople in the law are very good at the law, but we realized how difficult it is for them to have a real comprehension of scientific facts.

The first judges received those two tests, which declared DNA on the knife, or on the bra clasp, and that became something insuperable for them. They believed so much that that was a scientific proof of guilt that they started to transform everything that was exonerating of Knox and Sollecito as an indication of guilt against them. The footprint of Rudi Guede became the footprint of Sollecito, some old footprints became footprints left during the crime, and so on…

With a professional window-climber like Guede around, what had the great investigator guessed? That the broken window was a simulation!… And the first judges believed even that…. They even gave value to the impossible testimony of a heroin addict and trafficker, the life criminal Antonio Curatolo…. So, Knox and Sollecito were murderers because they smoked a joint… But the heroin dealer and user at the last stage was a reliable witness…. It would be funny if it weren’t tragic. Read More »

Successful Case: Ryan Ferguson

Ryan Ferguson with NBC Dateline


On November 12, 2013, Ryan was released from prison after serving nearly ten years in prison as an innocent man.

On December 5, 2005, Ryan Ferguson was found guilty of second-degree murder and first-degree robbery of Kent Heitholt, and was sentenced to 40 years in prison. Ryan was convicted based on the accepted testimony of two people, Chuck Erickson and Jerry Trump. Both Erickson and Trump have since given sworn affidavits stating that they were lying.

There was not one piece of evidence found at the crime scene that supports Ryan’s conviction. His conviction was secured solely on witness testimony that has now been shown to be unreliable.

The Free Ryan Ferguson Committee did an excellent job of presenting the facts of this case on their website www.freeryanferguson.com. The site includes a detailed case narrative and timeline that walk you through the entire case. The site contains important court documents, including affidavits from Chuck Erickson and Jerry Trump stating that they lied under oath. You will also be able to view photographs and download PDF files, including Ryan’s petition for writ of habeas corpus, leaving no doubt that Ryan Ferguson is 100% innocent.

Get the Facts

Successful Change.org Petition

Bill and Ryan Ferguson
Bill and Ryan Ferguson

This petition made change with 267,078 supporters!

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