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Barry Beach loses at Montana Supreme Court

Barry Beach
Barry Beach


Montana’s Supreme Court dealt the latest blow to Barry Beach’s quest for freedom today –and again it was by a single vote.

In a 4-3 decision, the court ruled Beach should not be re-sentenced simply because he was a juvenile at the time of the 1979 murder of Poplar Montana valedictorian Kim Nees-the crime for which Beach is serving a sentence of 100 years without parole.  Read More »

Brian Peixoto Struggle for Innocence

Brian Peixoto

Supporters for Brian Peixoto have launched an Indiegogo campaign.

Donations used to defray costs for investigation to free a man wrongly imprisoned for 19 years.

We are the supporters of Brian Peixoto. On March 7, 1997 Brian was found guilty of the murder of a 3-year old boy and was sentenced to natural life in prison. There was no physical evidence linking Brian to the death. He was convicted based on faulty medical science offered by unqualified doctors. His conviction was also based on the last of the many documented versions of events offered by the child’s mother. Ami Sneed was a suspect in her child’s death. She was desperate to avert the spotlight, offering to change her story as needed in order to aid in the prosecution of an innocent man. Brian has consistently maintained his innocence. His version of events never changed, from the first time he was interviewed by police in 1996 until today. Read More »

Richard Branson ‘It’s time to end the death penalty’

Richard Branson
Richard Branson

Richard Branson calls for the end of the death penalty world wide:

‘The death penalty is cruel, barbaric, inhumane has no place in the world’

‘Too many innocent people have been executed over the years. As terrible news of death sentences and botched executions continues, it is time to end the death penalty worldwide.’


Injustice Anywhere Has A New Online Radio Station

spreakerInjustice Anywhere has a new online radio home on Spreaker. Please join us on Tuesday April 28 at 8 PM CDT, for our first show on the new format. Please visit our show page to listen in. All live shows will also be available on our show page archive. So if you miss the live broadcast, be sure to catch the podcast at your convenience. Be sure to tune in to our first show to hear more about our new online radio station.

In our debut episode, we will be discussing the Jamie Snow case with advocate Tammy Alexander. Jamie’s case will be back in Appellate Court on May 12. We will discuss the arguments that will be heard during the hearing and provide an overall update of the case.

Jamie Snow was wrongfully convicted in 2001 for the 1991 murder of William Little, a gas station attendant in Bloomington, Illinois. Jamie is currently serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole in Stateville prison in Joliet, Illinois.

Jamie Snow has proclaimed his innocence from day one. In the years following his conviction, new information has come to light clearly showing that police misconduct and bad lawyering sent the wrong man to prison for William Little’s murder. Jamie Snow is innocent.

Please Support The Campaign To Free Jeff Havard

frontThe Committee To Free Jeff Havard has launched a t-shirt campaign to help support Jeff’s advocacy efforts. Please visit the teespring website and get your shirt today! Hoodies and fitted tees are also available! Jeff needs your help. This is a great way to show your support!

Jeff Havard currently sits wrongfully convicted on death row in Mississippi for the sexual assault and murder of his girlfriend’s six-month-old daughter. The truth is the infant slipped from Jeff’s arms while lifting her from the tub, causing her head to hit the toilet. New expert evidence supports Jeff’s claims.

The defense learned in January of 2014, 12 years after the conviction, that the prosecution’s expert had looked at tissue sections under a microscope and found definitively that there was no evidence of sexual assault. In a case where suspicion of sexual assault only arose when ER doctors and nurses noticed what they believed to be physical evidence of sexual abuse. Those microscopic findings were clearly exculpatory, and would have positively shown that the doctors and nurses had simply misinterpreted what they saw. The state withheld this evidence from the defense as well and failed to tell the doctors and nurses about it before they testified.

The infant’s death was a tragic accident, not a murder. Jeff Havard was sentenced to death for a crime that never happened. Jeff Havard is innocent. Your shirt order will benefit Jeff’s advocacy efforts.

You can learn more about this case at freejeffreyhavard.org.

Teespring: http://teespring.com/support-the-campaign-to-free-j

Jamie Snow – Back in Appellate Court May 12th.

Jamie Snow Overview
Jamie Snow

What will be argued?

This time around, we are presenting “Brady” evidence. Which means evidence that was favorable to the defendant, but was withheld from him prior to trial. So what do we have?

Polygraph: This is actually a polygraph worksheet that was obtained through FOIA requests from supporters. The actual polygraph is Jamie Snow’s – 1994. In the notes on the worksheet, “Star witness” Danny Martinez says in reference to the suspect that Snow was not the person he saw.

This evidence was never turned over to Snow. In the state’s reply brief, they make a few very thin arguments. Read More »

Charges against Hannah Overton have been dismissed

Hannah Overton at hearing



Hannah Overton is a free woman!

The Nueces County District Attorney’s office decided to drop all charges against her.

Overton was convicted of capital murder in the poisoning death of her foster son Andrew Byrd in 2007.

She spent seven years in prison.

“She did gather her children around and I repeated to her the news that I just conveyed to you. And there was dead silence on the phone at first, and then she said…I said that means the case is over. That it’s finished. And the children cheered and she began to cry.”

Cynthia Orr, Hannah Overton’s attorney, described Overton’s reaction when she told her her case had been dismissed by Nueces County District Attorney Mark Skurka Wednesday night. Orr was quick to praise Skurka for his bold decision…when…she says…so many d-a’s prefer convictions. Read More »

Changing science may give death row inmate new hearing

Jeff Havard

Jerry Mitchell, The Clarion-Ledger

In a unanimous decision made public Thursday, the Mississippi Supreme Court granted death row inmate Jeffrey Havard permission to request an evidentiary hearing since science on shaken baby syndrome has changed.

At trial, the state’s then-pathologist Dr. Steven Hayne testified that 6-month-old Chloe Britt died of “shaken baby syndrome.”

For decades, shaken baby syndrome was widely accepted, diagnosed through a triad of symptoms: subdural bleeding (blood collecting between the brain and the skull), retinal bleeding (bleeding in the back of the eye) and brain swelling.

In the years since, medical belief that these symptoms provided ironclad proof of homicide has begun to crumble with several studies raising doubts. Read More »

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