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After 18 years in prison, ‘Fairbanks Four’ man returns home

After 18 years in prison for a murder that supporters say he did not commit, Marvin Roberts returns to family. While awaiting a court challenge, he is learning to use the Internet & mobile phones.

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Russ Faria walks out of jail, says he’s ready for new trial

Russ Faria
Russ Faria

Source: http://fox2now.com/2015/06/16/russ-faria-walks-out-of-jail-says-hes-ready-for-new-trial/

TROY, MO (KTVI) – Former murder convict Russ Faria walked out of prison after more than three years.  He bonded out of the Lincoln County jail Monday after learning he`ll get a new trial.

For the first time since his wife Betsy was stabbed to death in 2011, Russ Faria talked outside of a jail cell.

Faria didn`t know he was getting out today.  Then he walked out to squeeze his relatives like never before. Read More »

Successful Case: Jimmy Dennis

Jimmy Dennis
Jimmy Dennis

May 13, 2017: After 25 years of wrongful incarceration for a crime he did not commit, Jimmy Dennis is finally a free man. A fund has been set up to help Jimmy get back on his feet. If you are able, please consider making a donation.

James Dennis Freedom Fund

Jimmy Dennis was convicted and sentenced to death in 1992 for the fatal shooting of 17-year-old high school student Chedell Ray Williams in North Philadelphia, in 1991.

The shooting took place at a bus stop over an apparent theft of a pair of earrings. Jimmy’s conviction was secured by questionable eyewitness testimony. Three eyewitnesses claiming to see Jimmy, described a perpetrator that was 5’10” or taller, weighing between 170 and 190 pounds. Jimmy is 5’4″ and weighed 130 pounds at the time of the murder.

There is no physical evidence linking Jimmy Dennis to the crime. Jimmy has steadfastly maintained his innocence, and the facts of this case clearly show that he is innocent.

Case Update: Jimmy’s case has gone through a bit of a roller coaster ride over the past several years. Federal District Judge Anita Brody overturned Jimmy’s conviction in 2013. That 2013 ruling was then overturned by a three-judge panel from the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in February of last year. The February decision was then vacated in May of this year, which led to a new hearing before the full Third Circuit Court panel of 13 judges. The court ruled on the case on August 23, 2016, returning a 9-4 decision in Jimmy’s favor. 

The court’s decision affirms habeas relief for Jimmy Dennis. The court’s decision upholds Judge Anita Brody’s ruling from 2013, which had ordered that Jimmy’s conviction be overturned. The State now has 90 days from the date of the ruling to decide whether they want to put Jimmy back on trial or set him free.

Click here to read he Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruling.

August 23, 2016: Courthouse News Service: Full 3rd Circ. Blasts Witness Errors in PA Death-Row Case

Visit the Justice for Dennis Facebook page to keep up to date with current events.

There are currently two websites detailing this case:



Injustice Anywhere Radio: The Jimmy Dennis Case in Pennsylvania

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Judge orders new trial in controversial Lincoln County murder case

Russ Faria
Russ Faria

TROY, Mo. • A judge here Friday ordered a new trial for Russell Faria, finding that new evidence in the murder of Faria’s wife might have changed the minds of jurors who had convicted him of first-degree murder.

The ruling by St. Louis Circuit Judge Steven Ohmer, who was lent to Lincoln County for this case, erases Faria’s conviction and sentence of life in prison without parole. Ohmer will preside at the new trial, set for Nov. 2. He set bail at $500,000. Read More »

Injustice Anywhere Radio: An Interview With Death Row Exoneree Debra Milke

spreakerad3_85Please tune in on Tuesday May 26 at 8 PM CDT, to listen to an in-depth interview with Debra Milke.

Please visit the Injustice Anywhere Radio show page to listen in. The show link will appear on the show page at 8 PM. If you do not see this week’s show link, just refresh your page and it should appear.

All shows are available on our show page archive after they air. If you miss the live broadcast, be sure to catch the podcast at your convenience.

In this episode, we will be talking with Debra Milke about the loss of her son, her wrongful incarceration, and her eventual vindication.

On Saturday, December 2, 1989, Christopher Milke, Debra Milke’s 4 year old son, was shot to death in the desert, in an area just North of Phoenix, Arizona. It was a horrible, senseless crime. Despite little to no evidence she had anything to do with Christopher’s death, Debra Milke was convicted of his murder and sentenced to death.

Debra Milke in court
Debra Milke

The only evidence against Debra was an alleged unrecorded confession to a police officer named Armando Saldate. Debra was convicted in what amounted to be a he said she said case between Debra and a police officer. Saldate would later be exposed as a dirty cop, racking up a laundry list of misconduct throughout his career.

The revelations about Saldate would eventually lead to Debra’s release, but irreparable damage had already been done. Debra Milke spent over 24 years in prison as an innocent person. Now she looks to build a new life in a world that looks nothing like it did when she entered prison over two decades ago.

Show page link: http://www.spreaker.com/user/injusticeanywhere

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Injustice Anywhere Shirt

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Visit teespring.com/InjusticeAnywhere to get your Injustice Anywhere apparel today!

Jamie Snow Appeal Should Leave Many Asking Why He Remains In Prison

Jamie Snow
Jamie Snow

An appeal for Jamie Snow was heard on Tuesday May 12,  by the Fourth DistrictAppellate Court, in Springfield, IL. Snow was convicted in 2001 for the 1991 murder of William Little. Little was the victim of an apparent robbery while working as a gas station attendant in Bloomington, IL. Snow has always maintained his innocence and says he was at home eating dinner with his family at the time of the murder. Snow is currently serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

There is no physical evidence of any kind that incriminates Snow. His conviction was secured solely on witness testimony. No one saw the crime take place. The prosecution presented eye witnesses who claimed to see Snow leaving the scene and also a series ofjailhouse snitches who claimed that Snow confessed to them that he had committed the crime. New evidence is now available that highlights many inconsistencies in the eye witness statements, and numerous jailhousesnitches have now recanted. There are also documented allegations of deals given to snitches by the State in return for testimony. Read More »

Judge to determine whether Russ Faria should be granted a new trial

Russ Faria
Russ Faria

A hearing is scheduled for Friday, June 5, 2015, to decide if Russ Faria should be granted a new trial based on the finding of new evidence.

In 2014, Faria’s defense team filed a motion with the Missouri Eastern District Court of Appeals to motion for remand to file motion for a new trial based on newly discovered evidence. Their request was granted in February of this year.

Russell “Russ” Faria, 45, was convicted in Missouri in 2013 of murdering his terminally ill wife, Elizabeth “Betsy” Faria, in 2011. Faria’s conviction was shocking because he had what appeared to be a rock-solid alibi. Four witnesses testified that Faria was with them watching movies at the time of the murder. Gas station security cameras and a fast food receipt also confirm Faria’s whereabouts that evening. Faria is currently serving a sentence of life without parole. Read More »

Jamie Snow Appellate Hearing – Thank You’s, Audio Online, The Gist, and….Mopes?

A few of Jamie Snow's supporters after hearing
A few of Jamie Snow’s supporters after hearing

Free Jamie Snow: Appellate Hearing – Thank You’s, Audio Online, The Gist, and….Mopes?

We would like to first thank everyone who was able to attend the hearing today to support Jamie, the Snow family, and the Exoneration Project. Your support in the courtroom speaks volumes, and we deeply appreciate everyone who was able to attend. I know there were many of you who were unable to attend, but the outpouring of good wishes on Jamie’s social media sites means the world to us! I cannot WAIT to tell him about all of the wonderful posts and hearing attendees – it makes a difference! Read More »

Jamie Snow murder appeal to be heard Tuesday

Jamie Snow
Jamie Snow

By Joe Ragusa

SPRINGFIELD – A man currently serving a life sentence for the murder of a Bloomington gas station attendant in 1991 will have his case heard by an appellate court Tuesday.

Jamie Snow was convicted in 2001 for the death of Billy Little on Easter Sunday 1991. Little died from a gunshot wound suffered during a robbery.

Tara Thompson, an attorney with the University of Chicago’s Exoneration Project, says Snow is innocent. Read More »

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