Home News Feed Kirstin Lobato Is Fortunate The Nevada Supreme Court Is Taking Its Time Reviewing Her Case

Kirstin Lobato Is Fortunate The Nevada Supreme Court Is Taking Its Time Reviewing Her Case

Kirstin Lobato Is Fortunate The Nevada Supreme Court Is Taking Its Time Reviewing Her Case

Blaise_After_Release_on_Bail_Dec_2005-195x300Kirstin Lobato Is Fortunate The Nevada Supreme Court Is Taking Its Time Reviewing Her Case

By Hans Sherrer

The Nevada Supreme Court’s ruling in Kirstin Blaise Lobato’s case has been awaited for more than a year since oral arguments on September 9, 2014. The Court is considering Ms. Lobato’s appeal of former Clark County District Court Judge Valorie Vega’s denial of her habeas corpus petition. As explained below, the length of time she has been waiting for a decision can be beneficial for her.

Ms. Lobato was convicted in October 2006 of charges related to the death of homeless Duran Bailey in a Las Vegas banks’ trash enclosure on July 8, 2001. She was sentenced to serve 13 to 35 years in prison. Ms. Lobato asserts she is actually innocent and was at her home 165 miles from Las Vegas when Bailey died. Read More »