Home News Feed Charges against Hannah Overton have been dismissed

Charges against Hannah Overton have been dismissed

Hannah Overton at hearing



Hannah Overton is a free woman!

The Nueces County District Attorney’s office decided to drop all charges against her.

Overton was convicted of capital murder in the poisoning death of her foster son Andrew Byrd in 2007.

She spent seven years in prison.

“She did gather her children around and I repeated to her the news that I just conveyed to you. And there was dead silence on the phone at first, and then she said…I said that means the case is over. That it’s finished. And the children cheered and she began to cry.”

Cynthia Orr, Hannah Overton’s attorney, described Overton’s reaction when she told her her case had been dismissed by Nueces County District Attorney Mark Skurka Wednesday night. Orr was quick to praise Skurka for his bold decision…when…she says…so many d-a’s prefer convictions. Read More »